Wednesday, September 28, 2011

follow my new blog!

follow my new blog at

thank you. muah

Thursday, September 15, 2011

you know what is is! black and yellow.

Hey..Yo. Day Two in the business life of yours truly.. okay not really but it sounded good. It is Thursday.. September 15th of 20II.. prettty boring day so far.. I tried coaxing my mother into coming to get me from school.. she hasn’t texted me back though.. so I’m sitting here... with Katie.. Jamming to some hxc ADTR <3 I am so ready to see Trae tomorrow. He got a new car yesterday so it might be hard to find him at first but I so deff will!(: So there are two to three tests today. <BLOW ME> My ankle is killing me. I could punch something.. not really that would just cause more damage. DUH anyways. I have a softball game saturday.. Pretty excited about that then right after the game my dad and Trae have softball practice so I get to practice with them. Ohh freak yeah. anyways.. I must be on my way now. hopefully this yellow brightens your day.!!!!
Yours truly, 
Alexis R.C

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

i want to breathe you in.

Superb day in the ever so extraordinarily boring life of yours truly Alexis R.C.
You guys thought I was going to put my last name! No way Jose! I guess I could yah know.. fill you in on my last month or so! I met the most amazingly perfectly  extraordinary man ever. Mister Trae King!!! Everything about this boy  blows me away. His morals, his goals, his everything. It’s like.. he’s indescribable. If I were to even try to describe him I wouldn’t be doing him any justice. He’s too good to be true. Now I’ve looked back on this one too and I was like “whaa? A month?” but yes a month, and in that month he has taken me to the stars and back a few billion times. There’s something about him. I can’t put my finger on it either. We do just about everything together, including oral hygiene. That means teeth brushing perverts. He protects me from everything, but not in an overly possessive crazy way. I have fallen asleep in his arms so many times it’s not even funny, and him being the gentleman that he is always carries my 5’2” self to bed. He’s 6’3” by the way. HUGE DIFFERENCE YO. I’ve been saying “yo” quite a bit lately! I need a new pair of Toms. Mine are officially done. the holes in them are unmanageable. My toes pop out and it’s just uncomfortable. anyways I’m gonna go eat some dinner now. Good Night folks.


HI GUYS! WOW HIGH SCHOOL HAS STARTED AND LET ME JUST TELL YOU, IT’S CRAZY HERE! PEOPLE THROWING ME IN TRASHCANS, SHOVING ME DOWN THE STAIRS, AND SO MUCH MORE! OKAY NOT REALLY, IN FACT IT SEEMS A LOT LIKE EVERY OTHER YEAR IN SCHOOL. SAME PEOPLE JUST DIFFERENT WORK. NAHH MEEN? So I just realized that I had caps lock on that whole freakin time... wow I feel stupid haha. anyways, class is 2 minutes from over so I’ll be going now. later more maybe?